Sunday, December 17, 2006


I was seeing on the History Channel the war weapons, and see the deposition of a B-2 pilot, the invisible airplane to the radar, in the format of flying wing.

It is an airplane bombing, that is, its objective is to launch sets of ten of tons of bombs in top of the heads of children’s, olds and adults.

Its mission is to provide to many people the hell, here exactly in the Earth.

Its cost..... millions dollars.

The pilot was proud of being one of the few inhabitants of the planet to be able to pilot this covered cart of the devil.

And while he proudly spoke I was seeing thousand of bombs being poured on the sky of Iraq and seconds later that explosion, generating that insupportable irresistible pressure, and bodies torn into pieces in a sea of fire and heat.

Children without members, brains, sucked of inside of the cranium sucked by the pressure, bloody people, other deceased, alive peoples embedded underneath tons of rubbles.

And the proud pilot, clean and fresh inside of its suit of work, speaking of the pride of the fulfilled mission, proud of being one of the few inhabitants of the planet capable to pilot that infernal machine.

And I was seeing thousands of people suffering, crying, desperate, bloody, lost in the way of that hell, in the irrespirable atmosphere due the amount of dust of concrete and land.

And the divulged qualities of the airplane being flow over......

The radar does not detect it, can be replenished in flight, possess 160 computers on board, the pilot seems to play as in a video-game.....

And I see the human race being..... as if I was in one another plan......

And I feel a enormous discourage......

And I think.............

How small is the man.......

And I see that we are very weak beings in intelligence.

Undeveloped because we only see a part of the context where we are.

We do not see that when piloting such machine alone we denigrate the image of the human being, we see only one stretch of the context where we are inserted, we do not see the beginning nor the end of the context.

We do not see that the beginning of everything is the American Empire wanting to steal the oil of the Iraqian people.

We do not see that the American Empire is the great American companies wanting easy profit.

We do not see that for behind everything we have the Carlyle of Bush the Halliburton of Cheney.

We do not see the lie that Iraq is ready to destroy the USA with mass destruction weapons, that Iraq protects terrorists, of the necessity to give freedom to the Iraqian people…….

All does not pass of lies.

Lies as of the expedition of Fremont to that if it dealt with geologic survey and that it resulted in the robbery of Californian lands to Mexico.

Lies that the American governing gives, when they want to take some thing of somebody.

Lies that had provided the genocide of the American Indians.

Lies that take "the great" American nation of the North to have pride, as this of the American pilot.

Lies that take to see me the human being as a worthless being, small, stingy, blind that it does not deserve to be enter the other beings of the universe.

At least for the time being.........

Because we can change this context.

But we need to start in worrying them about all, not only with a small part of the way as this American pilot made.


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Thursday, November 30, 2006


12% of the Americans - it is the USA..........., the great American nation of the North - pass hunger.


He is...... 12% is little.

That such 35 million people.....

It is very?

!!!!!!!!!!!.................... is the population of Argentina

It is...,35 million Americans (of the North) has difficulty of satiate its hunger!

I read in Washington Post...... AR2006111501621.html?referrer=email

While this...... I heard in the CNN that the war of Iraq already left a robbery or better a gap of 3 trillions of dollar in the safes of the government...... 40 times more what Bush said that went to spend to kill Saddam Hussein......... and it goes to spend more……. much more...... much more...... much more.....much....

3 trillions of dollar - 5 times the GIP of Brazil -.............

Catching 3 trillions of dollars and dividing for 35 million for each one 86 a thousand dollars.....

For me I stopped to write for and I went here to vomit back in the bathroom........ but for the humanity......... that he does not have much time to think about these things I go to continue......... and thinking each time, with certainty, that when we thinks about paradise and hell...... I have each time more certainty that already we are in the hell......

Well, nor all obtain to use to advantage this hot, the partners of the Carlyle and the Hallyburton, or either, Bush and Chenney, make use of a small room with air cooled thanks to its revenues of sell weapons to the USA and to steal oil of Iraq and other impostures.....

I see glorious, proud, pedants Bush and its followers all and intolerants ones to say:

”We, great American nation, go to give the freedom to the World ........”

They do not obtain to give food to its brothers.......

If it is not the proper devil must be the head of State of it......

I am forgetting that he understands of sell weapons,……,not to govern a people....

The governor of the Mississipe already said that the Hugo Chaves already helped more the group of the Katrina that he, Bush....

It will be that, we citizens of the world, do not obtain to identify the crossbows that devastates them?????????


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The Truth Always Appears


The Head of the military prison of Abuh-Graib (that one of the photos of tortures of the Iraqis) finishes becoming public that was Rumsfeld who commanded the torture in obligator way to the Iraqian prisoners.

Also the memorandum signed by Ruimsfeld was shown.

I already had said here, using to advantage intellectual pearls of Rumsfeld (Poetries of Rumsfeld) to say that has things that the American administration does not want that people know, but that exactly thus, we know.

One of them it was Bush that ordered Rumsfeld to make the memorandum.

It is not because I do not love Bush, that I say this.

I until love he, as I like any being, rational or irrational.

I only think that he is irrational or near this.

But I know his formation.

He is the King of the Washing Machine.

He is the King of the Wild American Way of Life.

Wants maximum indication to evidence this, that the recent promulgation by the Congress, still led by the Republicans, for the permission of the torture in American territory?

The American people, inside of the Wild American Way of Life, has being been deceptive by years by the Bush family, I would say until by the Republican family.

On the excuse of defense of the greater and richer Earth nation, the Republicans and mainly the Bush family, comes infusing fear in the American nation.

Fear of the terrorism, fear of this, fear of that.

What purpose?


To gain money with its companies of weapons as the United Defense, supplying the power of the death to the American Armed Forces, many times without competition, as that is happening now in Iraq.

Great the disaster, more easy to make contracts without competition.

From there, it comes the fantastic force that Bush makes to infuse fear to the Americans placing the USA in a fictitious situation of terrorist attacks.

While the families Bush, Chenney and others swim in money of the companies who are stealing oil of Iraq and slaughtering the iraqis the Americans are stressed and died in fear in its homes.

What is the result of this money anxiety.

500,000 died in Iraq.

The Americans may understand that killing thousand of people does not go to decide his problems.

For the opposite.

He goes to start.

See the case of the lady of 64 years who became suicidal bomb and blew up a bomb in its body to kill others.

It is that, I have spoked here.

The USA is forming millions of extremal enemies in the whole world.

Human beings that already have another alternative that….. to die.

A woman, a man, a child, is without hope of life when see its dead parents, husbands, wives and sons.

It is this type of human being that the USA is creating.

In millions.

The USA already had spent 3 trillions of dollars to murder the Iraqis and to form millions of terrorists.

Perhaps if these trillions of dollar had been used to help the Iraqis this lady possibly was loving the USA.

This is the great vision.

But....... the United Defense would be declared insolvent.......


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Monday, November 20, 2006

God Bless America - Thanks America

Exists hope for Earth?

Now it exists.

After the manifestation of the American people in the last elections.

The victory of the Democrats represents for me a breeze of hope in the human race being.

It is.... sees well....

It does not import country, region, continent...

More of the one than never I see the Earth as only one.

Without distinctions.

Without race distinctions, color, religion, country or teams of soccer.

The Land is the habitat of diverse beings, also the human beings...

And to be happy we have to be harmonious... what we are not.

Not conflicting...

The human beings are a group, who find owners of the Earth.

And worse, have some groups amongst the human beings that it finds superiors to others....

Bush represents the conflict.

The attempt to impose something to somebody.

As Hitler... and others.

The imposition never functioned.... not to be for little time, exactly that this time is 500 years......

The lasting one... is the consensus.

And exactly thus I say for you that he is fugacious.

Nothing it is perpetual.

But the election in the USA brings excellent subjects for the PEACE in the Land.

... nobody ignores clearly... since that a bit are informed... USA had invaded IRAQ for the oil.

That is finishing….

The USA invaded Iraq in an attempt to place under its influence the biggest petroliferous reserves of the Earth, because today, the human being is nothing without the oil.

This attempt comes of far... before the Ayatollahs dominate the Iran.

A resolution that the USA had adopted, possibly due to some strategical study made by some politic scientist and adopted ragefully by CIA.

And CIA is Bush.

Bush father was managing of the CIA.

And one of the partners of the Carlyle...

Former-integrants of the CIA also are part of the Society of the Carlyle....

A company who purchase companies, do fabulous contracts with the government and sell them with a skillful profit.

An example is the case of the United Defense who the Carlyle bought for $180 million dollar.

That it made the Crusade Howitzer - a cannon - that got (after passing to the Carlyle) a contract of 11 billion dollar with the Government.

The Carlyle transformed the United Defense into SA and sold HALF of the actions for $588 million dollar later that the contract was divulged.

Soon after sold the actions, the government cancelled the contract.

You understood right.....

The Carlyle, Bush company, and others also coming from CIA, bought a company who makes cannon for 180 million dollar.

It arranged a contract with the government of 11 BILLIONs dollar and thanks to this contract it sold the half of the actions for 588 million dollar!

Or either, thanks to an 11 BILLIONS contract made for the government whose President has involvement directly with the Carlyle, it transformed 90 million dollar (half of the actions) into 588 million dollar.

Into 4 years the Carlyle, company of the Bush, transformed 90 million in 588 million....

Profit of 500%................

You have notion???????????

Of the size of the profit and the value of the profit...

Soon after this selling, that I would call miraculous, this word would only state this, the government cancelled the contract of the 11 billion dollar.


Maluf must have died of envy....

Some questions exist in this case that I would like to know, but I do not have patience to search:

Reason the purchase of the cannons was cancelled?

Because a scandal of this passed blank?

Would not be the case of a CPI and even of one impeachment?

Then it sees well...

Bush and its Chenney vice-president are involved directly with companies who gain much money with war and oil.

Which is then the objective of the two?

War and oil!

Only that it has a problem.

The people of the USA.

The 11 of September was a gift for the Carlyle of Bush and Hallyburton of Chenney.


Because, favors to this crazy of Osama, Bush can frighten the American people and obtain to make one of the biggest atrocities committed for a people of the Land.

To left down thousand of tons of bombs in the head of the Iraqis.

A defenseless country, without force, governed for an insane person, but weak, a people weakened for a tenebrous war fomented for the USA against the Iran.

Another day I passed for a canal of TV and saw Bush defending its action.

It said a little and said: 11 of September.

In the attempt to continue frightening the American people with the 11 of September.

The funny one is that the family of the Osama has interests in the Carlyle. They are partners also.


Osama worked for the CIA.....


Nobody still caught Osama.......


The people of Earth is deceived daily by unscrupulous people who make atrocities to have to be able and money.

The lie obtains to justify everything...

We are been deceptive daily by people who we find the salvation of the world.

Bush, Hitler, Blair.... and the other oldest ones.

Thanks to a truth, the attack of 11 of September, lies are generated to hide degradates facts of the nature human being.

The sprightly it use to advantage of the people naivety to be grown rich in its greed, not if mattering with nobody, much less with this child there of the side.

The use of the lies to justify action you defame of the magnitude of the taking of California the Mexicans, of the invasion of Iraq and many others are a habit in the behavior of the USA.

And many other peoples.

But to the times we obtain to identify some of these lies, we were what the American people made when rejecting Bush.

Thanks to people as Michael Moore, Cindy and many others.

God Bless America.


The crossbow this still in the power...

They turn...??

How it amold itself to the facts?

He dismissed Rumsfeld...

Asking for contribution by the Democrats....

Giving one of good man...

He figures me as the Devil, if mimicrying in the facts to continue being deceptive....

I do not believe in Devil....

Devil is what it is bad inside of us....

But that it exists...... it exists.

God Bless America....


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Monday, October 23, 2006



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U.S.A.: Senate approves law that allows torture techniques to interrogate suspicious of terrorism

The American Senate approved the law that allows the use of techniques condemned for the Convention of Geneva to interrogate and to judge terrorism foreigners suspicious.

The new law must be santioned by president Bush in the next days - and foresees torture forms, as simulated drownings and the privation of sleep.

The International Amnesty lamented that the senators have approved breakings of human rights in the war against the terrorism.

The insanity is institutionalized in the USA.

When the humanity started to think that we were starting with an age of evolution human being with the end of "the cold" war, that was killed millions of people in the whole world, the nation richest of the Land provides barbarity spectacles daily to them.

When they are not exterminating children, old, women and adults far of house, in other countries, are exterminating yourselves in the schools.

What I do not understand is as it does not have one cries out of the remaining portion of the humanity against the barbarities that the American people, led for Bush, is committing.

To me it only remains me to ask:

Father, is the hell here?


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The Predator

English magazine informs that it searches points 655 thousand dead ones in Iraq in function of the intervention of the USA in the country.

Of course Bush discredited the research.

It is. Perhaps it has been 654,999 murders committed by he in Iraq.

The Times online, 7374-2302588, 00.html
brings a notice on some of these murders.

You find that this river of blood that the USA and Bush and the Republicans are making in the Land during all these years goes to improve the world?

Court of Haia.....

Bush and the USA - The Predators............


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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I have been some time thinking about the behavior of the human race.

I make it because I am stunned with it.

I think about God, the Bible, the wars, the photos of Hiroshima, Nakasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, in the slaughters of Rio de Janeiro, indians, Jews, African genocides.

All these barbarities, of course, caused by a logic thinking, that exactly erroneous.

Let us see:

Which the logic of the Second World War I?

Logic of the cause of the point of view of Germany: The superiority of the Aryan race. Economical and territorial interests.

Logic of the opponents: Defense of the territory, the freedom.

How Hitler obtained to instigate in the German people to do the war?

Yes, because a governor has that to have some popular endorsement to initiate a war.

Germany had an excellent technological development at the time, one of the greaters of the world. This already gives a feeling of superiority to the people.

The Nazi propaganda acted intensely. It generated in the people a superiority feeling.

All that one that it finds superior has the trend to impose its wills and theories.

This we see in our proper family, in our proper city.

Unhappily it is thus. It is a characteristic of the human being.

There I see the USA, tremendously rich in such a way, financially and technologically.

They find themselves superior therefore.

They think "we are competent for being rich and have technology, everything I can".

In this contest of popular thought we see Bush.

The symbol of the authoritarianism, the superiority.
Equal Hitler.

Deriving of a family whose father already had been president of the USA. A family who some times already demonstrated snobbery, mainly for intermediary of its mother.

And we have an example of this in the events of the Katrina, when it disclosed itself against the presence of the refugee of the Katrina in the Texas.

I imagine the feelings of Bush in a way of this.

For that it speaks and makes, I clearly perceive the estimated superiority of Bush in the treatment with the authorities of the other countries.

And I see the USA in an equal position of Germany:

And I think at the time about the thousands of American citizens and the German citizens.

And I think about the Brazilian citizens, who are equal to all other citizens of the world inside of the style of life American Way of Life.

Inside of this style you is only capable, competent and recognized, if you have a good house, a good car, good clothes and money to spend with superfluous.

And you are that nor one despaired fighting against everything and all, if possible passing to brings everybody.

Many are well adjusted for this.

Inside of this virtual world that we live, in that we give values to the things that we want of the skill that the system wants, we are super loaded. We have to work practically 18 hours per day.

How thus of the skill that the system wants?

The American Way of Life its characterizes for gaining much money and spending much money.

To spend much money buying a house in a famous quarter, to buy an expensive car, clothes, etc.

It is not enough to have a house, a car and clothes.

It cannot be nothing cheap. It has that to be something that the people feel envy of you, that they recognize you for whom you have.

Inside of this extraordinary context of work, that in the reality finishes with you, you leaves exhaust, you does not want to know about the USA, Iraq, Hitler, Bush.

When much, you adopt some knowledge that the system brings for you.

Terrorism is bad, has that to be against the terrorists, Saddam he is an assassin, we have that to take off Saddam of the power etc.

You adopt, because they are obvious.

When somebody arrives that considers you an improvement in this state of things, you soon approves, does not reflect. Still more if you it will not have no damage with this.

As for example, not to send a son for the war, not to confuse yours chicken sales for Iraq, etc.

You do not like to speak of politics, because this involves time and controversy, you can lose a friendship with this, or badly be judged by its friend who is more mentally ill than you.

You do not like to see a photo of the war, you do not like to see a photo of a child without brain due to an explosion of a bomb, does not like to see the photos of Hiroxima and Nagasaki. It finds accurately that who made the photo and who displays it wants to take off profit of the situation, as you search to make with everything, therefore all thus act in this manner in the American Way of Life.

Accept an intervention in a country by war.

It this so far.....

As you do not want to see the photos, to read on the subject, to comment and to argue the subject, the economically interested people in the war go if delighting and children as this of the side goes there suffering.

And people and companies as the Carlyle of the Bush and the Hallyburton of the Chenney, goes making billionaires businesses and children as this there of the side dying, thanks to yours alienation.


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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Thinking well ..................... (3)

The Halliburton is a multinational company who operates in 120 countries whose headquarters are in Texas.

It operates in two segments:

- oil and gas
- construction of: refineries, fields of oil, gas-lines, pipe-lines, and chemical industries

In this segment it acts as KBR (Subsidiary).

Capital of 21 billion dollar and uses 106.000 persons.

Some involvements of the Halliburton in the 90 decade:

- It helped to control the fire of 320 wells of oil in the Kuwait when the invasion of this country by USA.

- It violated the prohibitions of commerce imposed by the ONU to Iraq and the Libyan. It had that to pay 3,8 million dollar of fine.

- It gave to support the troops of the USA in the war of Balkans

- 1995 - Dick Cheney is indicated as president of the Halliburton

Some involvements of the Halliburton in years 2000:

- In 2001 violates the "Trading with Enemy Act" and makes commerce with the Iran

- In 2002 it sees involved in countable problems

- In 2002 it is contracted by 7 million dollar to participate of the construction of the Guantanamo prison.

- In 2002 it is contracted without competition to work in Iraq. Dick Cheney is imputed, now Vice-president of the USA, the fact of the Halliburton to have been contracted by the USA.

Thanks to this contract the Halliburton, starts to pump and to distribute the Iraqian oil.

- In 2003 it is involved in corruption in the Nigeria

- In 2003 it is accused still to be present in the Iran acting in the petroliferous area.

- In 2005 it participates of the reconstruction of the cities reached for the Katrina hurricane.

Currently it uses 30,000 people in the Iraq acting in the most diverse ways. One of them is to keep 700 trucks giving support to American troops.

The Halliburton is mentioned by Osama Bin Laden for being enters the company of the USA that are gaining billions of dollars in Iraq.

The KBR has contracts in the Iraq of US $ 18 billion, being US $ 7 billion of contracts without competition to reactivate the commerce of the Iraqian oil.

Dick Cheney (Vice-president of the USA)

A clear financial linking of Dick Cheney exists during its permanence as Vice-president. It has received revenues from the Halliburton during its permanence in the position.

The operation of the Halliburton in Iraq is involved in a series of questionings, on superinvoicing, wastefulness, fraud, invoicing of meals not served to the soldiers, and others more.

In relation the meals not served, were accused to charge 20,000 meals and to have served only 10,000.

It is being accused to order employed that they had collaborated with inquiries of fraud for the areas most dangerous in conflict, to frightens them.

Another serious accusation is that it is boycotting competing firms, mainly the ones working with the oil, included the contracted ones by the Iraqian government.

What this child of the side has to see with the Halliburton activities ????????????

It is a consequence ????????


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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Thinking well................ (2)

You it thought?

It found some thing interesting?

CIA, former - presidents, Ministers.........

CIA - information

Ex-Presidents - Influence

Current president: George H.W. Bush (son)

United Defense - Company who manufacture cannons, ammunition, etc....

Contract of 11 billion dollar to make cannon.....................

And this child there of the side?

Are consequence of the businesses of these gentlemen?


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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Thinking well...............

I do not know as to start.

I only go to give some explanations.

I have reiterated that I am not at will to speak of the USA, Bush, etc.


Because I want to be only one common citizen, who likes to play checkers (badly, but taste), to go the beach, therefore I am here in Natal, to tan what remains me of the life, that for the familiar statisticians, of the masculine side, already I am in the profit.

Because I would not like, to have to hear of people who I coexist and taste phrases of the type,….. he comes it there to speak of the USA, Bush, politics, etc.

Worse one than to hear is to feel hopelessness, perceiving that they are made by people who I taste, perceiving that they are authentic dear children of wash machine, or better, are the preferred children of washing machine.

But unhappily I cannot escape of this.

When making this blog, not wise person what it could happen, but when making it, I perceived as the people are not interested in what happened in politics and as this fact take us into a bad society.

To help to change this situation I am writing this article series and I look for to make it with the biggest possible exemption and truthful facts. I always look for to cite the sources of where I took off the information.

The information that I place here in blog came of research in diverse sites and of periodicals, mainly of the O Globo (Brazilian) and Washington Post. In the end of the Post you can verify of where I took off the information.

Many times pass for my mind, that the human race being of the monkey, with certainty did not produce one type of evolution alone, that is, later that some monkeys had started to evolve they had not evolved in the same way, some had evolved in a way others in different way, therefore we have this diversity of behavior.

Some more violent than others, some more worried about the others, etc.

Thus thinking I see that inside of us we have some genes, total different of other people, and of course also equal of other people, this because we came in crossing since the first evolved monkey. Our descendants have, at least some equal genes to ours all, because our descendants are not alone ours, exist the friend who participated of this process.

And I say these things, as a reflection on the causes of the human behavior, because it is on the human behavior, directed toward the development of the society that this Post of today treats, by the way is what essentially, this blog treats.

And I find that the subject of today has much to see with the formation of our society, with evolution human being, etc.

Carlyle Group is a company in USA whose objective is:

"Our mission is to be the premier global private equity firm, leveraging the insight of Carlyle's team of investment professionals to generate extraordinary returns across a range of investment choices, while maintaining our good name and the good name of our investors."

To reach these objectives it has to possess in its, competent collaborating persons, no?


George H.W. Bush (father) – Former president of the USA - 1988 the 1992 and former Director of the CIA.

Baker - Secretary of State of the Bush administration (father).

Carlucci - Secretary of Defense of the administration of Ronald Reagan - Former-director of the CIA -Is the CEO of the Carlyle.

Darman - Head of Budget of the White House in the Governments Bush and Clinton

Major – Former -First Minister of England

Branches – Former - President of the Philippines

Afsaneh Masheyekhi - Former - Bursar of the World Bank

And many other persons of the USA, England and Asia. You can see some of them in the site of the wikipedia.

One of the owners of the company is David M. Rubenstein coming from the Administration of Jimmy Carter in the presidency of the USA

Established in 1987 with 5 million dollar it controls 14 billion dollar of its investors.


The Carlyle basically purchase companies, apparently weak economically but that they possess products that its controllers can leverage and transforms them into companies of great financial return.

After, these leveraged companies can be sold by an infinitely bigger price of the one than they invested.

Some examples:

In 1993 for $165 million bought the company Magnavox Electronic Systems million and sells, two years later, by $370 million.

In 1997 it bought the United Defense will be $180 million. Four years later - accurately before Rumsfeld (current Secretary of Defense of the Bush Government son) canceling its Crusader howitzer program - this contract it would be of 11 billion dollar - - the Carlyle it transformed the United Defense into public and sold half of the actions for $588 million.

The Cruzader howitzer is a mobile cannon. Below in references it has a site on the Cruzader.

Man………US $ 11 billion………… in howitzer………………………???????????????


One of the most well-known investors are the Bin Laden, of the Saudi royalty, does not want to say that they are the greaters, does not know if they are, but in function of the last name, it has generated a great controversy in the USA.

In one of articles of Washington Post he has a reference of that Mr. Rubenstein, although to be Jewish he has ample access to the palaces Saudis.

By the way Mr. Rubenstein is very loved on the Bush family, also having participated of Safaris in Africa with the Bush family.

I look at I do not go to make a complete survey of everything on the Carlyle, you has the references and if you want to know something more does not lack information about the group.

As the Post already is very great, I stop here for today, also, to you make a reflection on these information.

Tomorrow I go to make commentaries on this.
But, I ask for you reflects, on what you read.

0,1300,583869,00.html =



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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cindy X Predator

Why the General Chief of the Air Force of the USA is desperate wanting to buy all the Predators constructed for General Dinamycs?

To prevent the appearance of Cindys.

How thus?

However when you wake up for a fact?

Many times when you have shocked.

What possibly it happened with Cindy.

I do not know if before the death of the son she was so pledged in the citizens causes as it was after the death of the son.

The Predator is an airplane robot, if occurs to fall does not die nobody. The only shock is in yours pocket.

Which is one of the great difficult that the predators of the pentagon have?

The death of the soldiers.

Why the Pentagon is so pledged in robots? Because they want to diminish the death of soldiers. Until already they had today 2000 soldiers been died in Iraq.

This wants to say that about 10,000 people, the families of these soldiers, already they had taken a shock and some had waked up, as Cindy, perhaps.

The ideal for the Pentagon, is that when they to want to massacre somebody, is only send robots!

For land, sea and air. The screens of the cinema already had foreseen this.

Almost no shock!

Nowadays, what can make to stop the President of the USA?

American public opinion!


Well, while it will have democracy, because in future I do not know if it goes to have!

The President already makes the listening of the telephones of all the people, already he finished one of the freedoms, the privacy, the Americans, all, already they are Big Brothers.

The President wants to cancel 750 laws that protect some freedoms!

You believe, 750 laws that of the day for night do not give more.

I am feeling the presence of Hitler, you not?

For where the Americans are going?

My mother always confided to me that it saw in Germany the great effort of Hitler to militarize the country, and it was despaired, because it spoke and nobody gave attention, found that Germany was wonderful and afflict she said:

Who wants the peace have weapon until the teeths?

And she said for all: "This insane person goes to commit a disaster" It always confided this to me.

My mother was Brazilian, son of Portuguese, my father was grandson of German and son of Italian and both already had been born in Brazil and before the war my father was representative of a navigation company, the Brazilian LLoyd, in the Europe. It was established in Lisbon, but frequently he had that to go to the other ports of the Europe and my mother goes with him. All times that she went to Germany it was despaired because each time more she saw the power warlike of Hitler, was ostensive. Movement of troops, military vehicles, for she, that seems a madness, some, Hitler was preparing.

And I today am asking itself if it is possible that genetically it is possible you to have the capacity of sensitizing some events, more than other people, with determined indications that allow you to make some forecast of a possible future event.

If it will be thus, for the size of the indications that the USA come providing to the inhabitants of the planet, I soon go informing, comes much bad things for there.

The Bush’s brotherhood is being successful in the USA.


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Monday, June 19, 2006

Homage to Cindy Shehan

I knew Cindy Shehan for intermediary of the site of Michael Moore.

I knew Michel Moore when I was seeing in TV the Oscar delivery when they had announced the award for better documentary, and the winner was Collumbine, by Michel Moore.

There I see that enormous man, half disjointed, to go up in stage and...., to put the club in Bush, for the wars that it was making.

I thought, this man thinks equal me, and looked for more information on it in the Web and discovered his site.

One day when I was looking at the Mike's site I found Cindy Shehan.

And in the site I knew that Cindy Shehan was a mother of an American soldier who lost the life in Iraq in 04/04/2004.

I did not give to much importance it because I found that it was a mother resented for the loss of the son. But immediately I see that it was behind an explanation of because happened the war in Iraq and why its son had died in.

I do not have son died in Iraq but I am against the war in Iraq, for a series of reasons, then we did not have nothing in common with her beyond not to be to be against the war in Iraq and soon in the beginning I did not give to much value it because for me to be against something involved emotionally, as for example the death of a son, does not serve for much thing.

I do not have son in Iraq, I am thousand of miles from Iraq I do not have no interest in oil but I am against the war of Iraq, for a series of facts that are not emotional:

The USA are interested in the oil of Iraq for more than 30 years

Bush has hatred against Saddam because Saddam commanded a plan for one attempted against its father, former-president of the USA, and when it is about nations is not about a head of crazy and irresponsible government, it deals with millions of innocent people, for me what this child of the side suffered there already is enough to order Bush for chain.
To justify the invasion of Iraq for the plan of one attempted against the father is to admit that I can kill all the family and neighbors of whom that killed my son or my father.

These two reasons are the true reasons of the war against Iraq.

I never spoke against the invasion of the Afeganistan, reason?

Because the attack against the WTC involved the Al-Qaeda that lived in symbiosis with the Talibans, that they governed the Afeganistan, that threatened the USA clearly.

I never spoke against the USA to have played an atomic bomb in Hiroshima and another one in Nakasaki.

Because in these two cases, were not a aggression to a person, it was to a people.

It was the Japan that attacked the USA in Pearl Harbor, was the government of the Afeganistão that attacked the WTC, however that they assume the consequences, of its criminal acts and anti-human beings.
The cause of the USA was not to lower, or not to leave to go up, the price of the gasoline in the bomb of the rank, as now.

It wants to say that I am in favor of the invasion of the Afeganistan and I am not of the one of Iraq?


Well, coming back Cindy, sufficiently time passed until another day I decided to give one seeing in the site of it and read the following one:

. The Pentagon needs you be dismantled, cleansed with holy to water and purified by incenses and left you lie fallow will be generations in atonement will be all of the crimes that have been planned and committed within its walls.

The following list of illegal, immoral, and atrocious behavior is obvious and not all also by any means:

* 12 years of devastating sanctions that were responsible will be killing to over 500,000 Iraqi children.

* Destroying antiquities and culture is to war crime and prohibited to under Geneva Conventions.

* The invasion of Iraq is preventive to war of aggression against country that was in threat you the the USA or the world and was expressly prohibited by the Geneva Conventions.

* The invasion was not sanctioned or approved of by the United Nations.
(the invasion was not approved or sancionada by the ONU).

* "Shock and awe" targeted civilian centers and killed many innocent people.

* Abu Ghraib.

* Guantanamo.

* "It distinguishes rendition."

* It uses of chemical weapons, especially white phosphorous enhanced with napalm, particularly in the second siege of Fallujah.

* Targeting hospitals, clinics, and threatening Medical Doctors with execution if one treats "insurgents" (which can apparently include babies and pregnant women).

* Using highly compensated mercenaries you carry out executions and tortures.

* Forcing style of government on the citizens and manipulating the outcome of the elections.

* Dishonoring the Constitution of the United States by invading Iraq without declaration of to war by Congress and by breaking our treaties with the United Nations and the ratified Geneva Conventions.

George Bush is correct. "full and completes" investigation needs you be made into the crimes against humanity in Iraq, and if executes prevails, this would in turn lead you the trial and conviction of George and the rest of the neocon purveyors of tortures and to murder, will be which the maximum penalties should be applied.

It has much more back in the site of the Cindy, sees the text integral in:

Funniest for me is that I saw this text after having written mine, that I intitled HADITHA - My Lai, however which the name of the text of Cindy?

From Haditha to My Lai

Well now my identity with Cindy is total, because it thinks accurately as I, or either, she is against the war of Iraq, only that now with a difference, the certainty if bases on real facts and not more emotional.

If this was acquired to content that one, I does not know, but now, all the SERIOUS Americans, possess plus a voice to show the true reasons, or better, they possess an operating voice that divulges really reasons that somebody can understand why we need to be against the Iraq war.

Yesterday I was talking about Predator and Cindy Shehan, what they have in commonn, tomorrow I explain.


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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Predator 2

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper told Congress last month that he wants to buy every Predator robotic spy plane that San Diego's General Atomics Aeronautical Systems can possibly build.
Yesterday, the Air Force quantified that goal.

Ok, this above are in:

I am wanting, and already have much time, to make a homage to Cindy Shehan. But a subject pulls another one and today it has more PREDATOR, but this in certain way has to have with Cindy Shehan.

In top of the post we have well interesting information.

General Chief is saying that he is asking for General Atomics, to make the biggest possible number of Predator that they will be able!

This is to say, that beyond the 5, 7 billion dollar that General Atomics already pocketed, goes to pocket much more...

These 5, 7 billion dollar are making possible the Air Force to buy 144 Predator, passing from 3 squadrons to 15 squadrons of Predator.

Good, good,...... the congressmen go to do trips........

Each squadron has 12 Predator.

With this acquisition the squadrons of Predator will be one of the greatest of the Air Force of the USA.

It is in the hour to buy actions of General Atomics, if it will be available.

We go to give one looked at in the American apocalyptic weapon, the PREDATOR

- Is an AIRPLANE NOT MANNED - nobody go inside, is commanded by satellite.

- It has special cameras of video, infra red etc that can see what we do not see

- Plus electronic equipment, that nobody goes to say which, is not?

- 16 antitank missiles

- 25000 ft of fly altitude

- Autonomy for 40 hours

Other interesting information:

The price of the airplane in itself is not very high: US $ 4,5 million

OHhhhh. Good,….. my grandson want one, he is saying to me now.

What it increases very much the cost is the command system of flight.

Already 46 Predator had been abated being that 26 in Iraq and the Afghanistan.

Youngster................... my grandson, 3 years, in my side is asking me if the above General gained some trip from General Atomics........................

This boy.....................

Making the accounts, in less, a US $ 300 million had caught fire.

I am thinking what that group of the Mississipe is finding of this........what.......who?..... who is this group?....., that of the Katrina...................

Yes..... and Cindy?..........

Perhaps, in the future let us not have more Cindies...............................

Tomorrow I explain.....................

NOTE - ATTENTION: Although some pages of the WEB have photos of the Predator, they are all protected.

Below I give the address of the sites that you can see Predator.

It does not have fear not, they still are in Iraq, they are only mounting a base in Paraguay, but the USA do not know in the reality the Brazilians, when one do not want fight, two do not fight, are not ?

Funny, I found a site that sell mockup of predator, US $ 20,00, who to want to buy the mockup, a wonderful educative toy, to train and to educated futures predators, has there also, but nor the photos of plastic model you can copy, stranger not?

It will be that it is because is same stranger or them they want that he seems strange, is known there.......

Site of the mockups:



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Thursday, June 15, 2006



It is our subject of today.

My son said me that I must be half crazy, because I am beating excessively in one same keyboard key. This seems it a little of paranoia.

It is, I find until it can have reason, knows our way here........

By the way, to me, it would seem also, in other times, times when normally we do not have time for nothing, when we have to work, to satisfy wife, children and ourselves.

When we are in the wash machine, that is as I am now calling the situation who has to live in the system American Way of Life or as sometimes I also call, cannibal capitalism or wild capitalism, the person does not have time to import itself with the others, they does not have time nor education/culture for this.

In this our system American Way of Life the person is as if it was living inside a wash machine , goes to there, it comes to here, all fall in top of us, we falls in top of other people, nobody, practically, worrying about the next one.

Each one for itself and God suffering for all when seeing the incapacity of the human to evolve to a better social system.

God from above must be sad....................

All wanting to be better than the others, this is the goal, all wanting to be over the others, because under, is suffocating.

In this system, that we do not choose, already we are born inside of it, we are born and we are played in the machine and we are fighting there inside, we do not have time to reflect, to think, to love, in worrying about the next one, we only have time to work to gain much money and to spend much money.

In the reality this system, the American Way of Life, pride of the American nation, is a lie.

For me it seems a carrot being balanced in the front of the donkey to do it walk for front. It walks, walks, and never took. He dies of tired and he does not obtain to catch the carrot.

Some will say, Fred is a loser, himself a loser, by one way or other.

In the Amway Life it is thus, the majority it studies, it works of day, night and nothing, always suffocate. When it obtains to give itself well, or better, to find that it was given well, gaining a wage that 5% of the population perhaps only earn, it sees that it was nothing of that it waited, and goes inside the machine for fight more, another time, however for top however underneath, having that to kill some lions to the day being tried to arrive at a place that later perhaps does not compensate.

- As I see the reason of my paranoia:

They had excluded me, thanks to God, of the wash machine.

Here in Brazil, it gave to 30 and few years you is excluded.

The scarcity of work market leads to this.

People young, lower wage. The carrot is lesser, then cheaper.

I have forgotten total other subjects because I am in war.

I am in war against the Predator.

Because now I have time to bind to me in the next one.

If you stop, with calm, look at me, well intently, fixed, you go to see me all spotted, with the war painting.

My war is against who?

Against the predator!

It is......., my paranoia, favors to the gotten idle time, time to feel feelings, as solidarity, love to the next one, nauseas against: cowardice, oppression, slaughters, corruption, everything that inside of the wash machine does not have value, because he does not serve to gain money, feelings until you have (and you have exactly, thanks to God) and say, no “I love the people, I am worried about them”, logical that you have, you do not only obtain to develop them, and soon later, inside the machine you leave as one big truck passing over everybody.

It is .............., in the AmwayLife, all these feelings, only harm, think you well, I know that you do not have this customary one, but as John says (who is John? That one of the Beatles, Lennon one of the Communists most famous of the world):

- It's easy if you try
- I wonder if you can

These things that I am writing here, are not mine, not!

It sees the letter of Imagine, by John (that privacy not?), and you see that he, with the time that he had, obtained to see, that Luther King, obtained to see, that Ghandi obtained to see, that the main master, came here, stops in teaching us about this, and few had obtained to see, and still, they crucifix it.

I saw, playing checkers, reading Washington Post, in my idleness!

They are not of my authorship, I am only remembering you what many already understood and the only work that I have here is to leave registered, to who want to see or to obtain to see, what is more difficult, in function of the conditioning acquired in the wash machine.

I am in war ……..!!!!!

And my flag is that one in top there, to the right part, most superior of blog, it represents the victims of the Predator, it represents all adult children and old deceased, wounded, violated, by all the ways in IRAQ, by the PREDATOR.

They pass for here, per day, about 10 people, comings of all Brazil and of all the parts of the world, if I obtain to launch a doubt seed on the validity of the wash machine, if I launch the seed of the vision that John already had, Gandhi already had, Luther King already had, millions has, the CIA goes to need to take me for Abu Graib, and I go with the maximum pleasure, because if they not kill me I go to continue speaking.... man we are brothers came with me, go to stop the wash machine...., because in one year this blog is giving one seed to the 3650 people here (it goes to make anniversary next month) and I am certain that these persons or some of them goes to pass this seed for others, because it is of a formidable tree.
(Note – This blog is a version of my blog , this blog do not have, yet, this audience)

In this war I have the weapon most powerful - the doubt.

This is enough.

It is enough to the people to stop and to look at for what is happening..........

He is so easy, so cheap, I do not spend almost nothing to make this war, and I have the best weapon.

I go to earn?

No, I am not, Lennon did not earn, died assassinated, for a son of the wash machine, nor Martin, …..hey man….., thinking well, Martin also was assassinated by a machine son……, I do not know…….. .

He made right..................., the human goes to earn.

And to finish, some notice of the wash machine.

It finished in the American Congress a study on parliamentarians trips, sponsored by private companies………………….. how much they had given?

US $ 50.000.000,00

Added all the trips, if one alone person was would be, 81000 days of trips, 222 years traveling, 23000 trips in the total, of parliamentarians twirling in the world.

Ah, one little thing more, these had been to the trips sponsored for private companies,…………………….. why.......???????????? …………………..will be ?

Why will be that particular companies had offered this gift to the American congressmen in such a way, youngster............... I............... Why will be?????

He is......................, I know,………….. that this is a normal procedure on the wash machine.

Ahhhhhhhh, did not finish not, only more a bit, ahhhhhhhhhh vahhhhhhhh................................, you good, I finishes:

Who gave more money?

One little company, says the article that I read, that it is not great no, they build airplanes, the name of it, General Atomics, but it does not have nothing of atomic no, how much gave? You leave to see me, youngster, I will go until put one copy here, to not to say that I am lying,………. I read in the Washigton Post, that I receives all day for e-mail, and is free, are the proper machine wanting auto to destroy……….it goes well there:

"The study reported that the company" largely targeted congressional staff members, spending roughly $660,000 on 86 trips will be legislators, aides and to their spouses from 2000 you mid-2005." The adds of trips were valued at lives than $25,000."

The machine does not need to arrest me, because I am not journalist I do not need to hide the source, I am only an old one, my source is this there under..........

I do not know if you know, (man,……. I am with Rumy virus) but the wash machine sometimes arrests journalists because they protect its sources, ……, is the machine, what to do?

Good, General Atomycs gave USS 660,000.00 is....., is more than half million of dollar.

What??????... you asking me if beyond the trips, it gave plus for them, to buying a small gift?

One house?

A Porsche?

........ I myself do not know.................... well, this is that you are speaking I am not speaking nothing...................!

What? You asking me what it obtained?

With certainty, to sell little airplanes for the government, ……..what?

The contract value?

Few, US 5,7 billion dollar.

They do?

Logically. The product is good.

Which the name of the little airplane?

Youngster you are needing to read periodical, but I say to you:


The weapon and the owner !................................


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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I was reflecting on the situation of the USA.
We know that has many years ago the USA had decided to intensify its influence in the Middle East in view of a terrible situation that goes to occur in the EARTH.
The end of the oil.
Imagines the oil finishing.
From morning to night we depend on plastics.
The tooth brush, the pipe of the tooth folder, the toaster, the packing of the butter etc.
I would say that almost 80% of our utensils are of plastic.
Plastic is oil.
And the transport?
Gasoline, diesel, the chaos will be total.
The foods, the industries, as go to be?
The majority of the world-wide population leaves far of the food sources.
The USA had developed then one politics of approach with the Middle East.
They had been come close to Saudi Arabia and had success, developed economic bows with the real family.
Unhappily they had not obtained to please to all, see one of the members, the terrorist Bin Laden.
In the Iran they had opted to supporting the Shah Pahlavi, but the Ayatollahs had another idea.
The USA was in the missed side, because they had supported the Shah and he was put down.
The USA are involved clearly in the question by the presence of the CIA, FBI and other agencies, and of course, the Ayatollahs had increased its hatred against the USA.
We do not go in forgetting that had the fight against the communism, and the attempt of the USSR to influence the Middle East against the USA, for same reasons.
Now the USA position to control the situation is more chaotic.
The Iran dominated by the Ayatollahs, the Iraq commanded by a crazy one, other countries of Africa as the Lybian, Angola and others under the zone of influence of the communism, but these did not have as much importance, because they did not have as much oil.

It is, we go to speak frankly, will go stopping the lies, disguises, etc...

If the great and only cause is the freedom, human rights, etc. we would not have had as many genocides as it had and has in Africa.

The main point, with 100% of importance is the oil.

It was to bring the biggest wealth of the world for the area of influence of the USA, still more with the communism, beating to the door.

Who will have the oil goes to be in an excellent situation.

I know that the USA do not want to possess themselves the territory, we know that the wealth is alone that it wants.
Accurately as the Romans they made with its conquests.
The Romans charged taxes, the USA want to commercialize the oil.
Stimulated for its partner, the Saudi Arabia, that were having territorial problems with the Iran, the USA do a union with Iraq, yes, with Saddan Hussein, in a war against the Iran.
Eight years of war. Deceased millions. The Iran helped by the URSS resisted until the conflict ceased, influenced for the remaining portion of the world.
Sequels had been.
The friend of the USA, collaborator of the CIA, the Bin Laden, and the ally of the USA, Saddam Hussein had been frustrate. Determined hour, the great patronage of the war, the USA had fallen outside.
And the situation now was worse to the USA.
Now beyond the Iran of the Ayatollahs, Iraq de Saddam, and part of the real family of Arabia had entered for the roll of that they had hatred to the USA.

Or either, the situation got worse for the USA in the region.

It improved for the URSS.
The USA had the Kwait and Saudi Arabia.
The consequences of these acts, badly thought, of the USA, had brought sequels.
The Saddam wanted to kill the Bush father, and until attempted against, he made.
The crazy Bin Laden finished with the WTC.

And fits a reflection moment here.

The acts of the USA.

What it took the USA to commit this series of mistakes.

- the communist threat.
- the threat of the lack of the oil.
- the great economic interest.

Everything more is lie.

The current war in Iraq alone exists for two reasons:

- the threat of the lack of the oil.
- the great economic interest

Because the communism finished.

This business of democracy, human rights etc. we already know that he does not have the lesser importance, or better, he has the main importance, therefore serves to hide the true, the cause for the USA activities in Middle Orient and do not remember the world the true causes, that is these three above.

Domestic and International excuses.

Because to support the Shah, the Real Saudi family and Saddam Hussein is to deny the human democracy and rights.

Because, already in that time, Saddan already had exterminated thousands of peoples.

Why, at that time, with having the same defects that USA charge today against Saddan, he is good for the USA people?

The economics interests of USA do USA lie.

We go to speak serious.

The communism finished.

The oil some day goes to finish, exactly, and it does not go to delay .
Of course finishing the oil the economic interest for it goes to finish.

It is not in the hour of the USA to make a reflection?

This child there in the top, right side of the blog, looks at there.

Was valid the penalty?

And I was companionable, because it has each photo of child for there....

Was valid the penalty?

This money all, trillions of dollar, expense in this...

I ask.

If all this money had been used to help these countries, instead of being used to kill children, young, adults, olds, the USA would not be loved by the world?

The situation would not be today, infinitely better?

It is what I have spoken here, love to the next one.

But the Industry of the War is powerful. The subjects has to be decided by....WAR!

The attack to Iraq, the terrorism excuse, was only one nauseating, irresponsible manipulation, of a president interested with its proper businesses.

Bush is using the power of the American people in its proper advantage.

History will be implacable.

I, when seeing the proportionate tragedy by the insane person of the Bin Laden, (and I affirm that it was the biggest madness of the man, after the one of Hitler wanting to exterminate the Jews), knocking down the WTC, I cried.

We saw in the CNN to the living creature and cried, seeing the people shooting of the building in flames, imagining the people inside of the airplanes, in panic, seeing the death to arrive in the hands of insane people, the firemen dying and finally, the building falling.

In that day thousand of people, in the entire world cried.

Who could leave to cry.

Only the extremely insensitive one.

The fool, the silly one.

How is the cause of this great insanity?

The bad action of the USA in the World.

The bad action in the association with bad peoples, justified by noble causes that in true, hide the true causes.

This is one constant in the external USA politics.

Politics that come to benefit some few peoples of great enterprises, like that of Texas.

These bad actions committed in name of the USA people, themselves deceived by the USA president.

However, ………5 years later I am here, beating in these keyboard keys trying to erase of my conscience or to be safe one from my conscience.

The pactuation with the extermination of children, olds, adults in Iraq I do not lead for my rendering of accounts.
And the photo there, right side of the blog is a flag, to remember me that I need to continue to fight against these barbarities.

I will not take with me the pactuation with the insanities that the USA are making for the world measure.

I do not go to take with me this responsibility of nothing to have done against these madness.

I make what I can, I write here so that all know my opinion and if to someone want to share, excellent, if not to want, if it to find that it is not nothing of this, this space is of all, can leave its message here.

I am certain that my words at least one has taken smile to the children deceased in Iraq, in this hour, where I write these words. I am certain of this.

And new smiles they go to give, if you to acquire knowledge themselves of this situation and to find that the USA have that to change its route and if you will be American, it votes against the war.

I have certainty of that these barbarities that are being committed for Bush on behalf of the American people, goes to cost it or to the American people, very expensive.

I believe that in the future, we will have, all the last acts committed by the USA in the Middle East be judged as barbarity.

This fight is equal to that do for black people freedon and equality.

This fight is equal to that do for stop the Vietnam war.

When the people of USA will go to see that all problems wanted to solved (no not solved, amplified) by war is a way that only persons like Hitler have the conscience to do?

A bad step given for beings not enough evolved, that we still are.

A sadness.


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Saturday, June 10, 2006


My Lai 16/03/1968 - the History of one of the worse American slaughters in the Vietnam. (Knowed)

A pilot goes down its helicopter in a Vietnamese village - My Lai.

504 deceased, 210 children below of the 12 years.

When it left the helicopter found some soldiers shooting in some wounded.

Soon later he found a lieutenant who went to blow up a full trench of civilians, did not hesitate, exactly being of inferior patent he gave capture order to the lieutenant and with the aid of its crew he arrested the group of soldiers.

Down you see some scenes of the result of this slaughter.

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War is war, is not a party.

There, one of the greatest possibilities is to die. You see to die its friends, you is with hatred, sees enemy in the shades, child, woman, old, does not mean nothing in this hour, only means some thing that you have to exterminate, you are out of control.

Natural, the war is this.

Nobody goes to the war for fun, only the psychopaths.

The integrity of the pilot in My Lai, was something divine, to show to the world what was happening. (Nor all know)

The problem is not the behavior, is the war. With the war this behavior appears.

The problem is who commands the war.

To accept a war nowadays, between peoples, in the age of the Internet, televisions of all the linked countries, I today play checkers in the computer, with a person in the USA, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Iran, in any place of the world, is a nonsense.

Today the Land is one only. For me it does not exist borders, countries, etc.

Like John Lennon says.

People with different habits exist, different behaviors that we have to respect and to love.

To love, because, to love is very good.

You know this. Is a very good feeling.

The hatred is a tenebrous, small, vile, stingy feeling etc.

Who commands the war would have to be judged in the international court of Haia.

We have to finish the wars!

And now, who makes the war in the world?

The USA.

The USA became a monster under the command of Bush.

Inside the American nation exists a monster, a predator: the industry of weapons.

It uses thousand of Americans.

The USA had wanted move 3 military bases to optimize its efficiency and I think that still it did not obtain.

Why? Because will be thousand of people who went to be dismissed.

Cities went to declare insolvent.

In the case of My Lai, who was in worse was the pilot. It was removed of the army. The ones that had made the carnage, had not suffered punishment.

Much time later when the case it came the public, thanks to the media and the manifestations, the pilot was reintegrated and the Lieutenant who had made the slaughter was the convict, however, immediately later she was pardoned.

For who? By the president of the USA.

Then what one sees, it is that the order is to exterminate, when the USA go the war!

In Iraq it is occurring the same.

The USA is training the Iraqian military service to make slaughters of the style that had occurred in El Salvador. All day you see in the television, 100 deceased, 150 died.

Many of these slaughters are being executed by Iraqian military services trained by the USA, and the guilt still is placed in the Iraqian resistance.

Haditha, is the new name of the place!

WHERE THE USA one more time SHOWED the FACE of the PREDATOR!

Where the USA showed what of sordid a people can bequeath the humanity.

It sees the video in the site below:

I list below some sites as reference.

I do not agree too many things in these sites, but democracy is this, freedom is this, WORDS, not WARS.

Sites against the war in Iraq:

I also list a site where it has a letter of a senator to the Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld asking for information on HADITHA.

These things, are what Mr. Rumsfeld said:

Has some things that you never will know.
He works for the people of the USA. You think so, that this is correct?

Is correct something bad occur in name of USA and you do not know?

Is this democracy, or this occur to satisfy interest of some few peoples that obtain advantage from the war?

You know.


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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The know unknow

In Haditha Killings, Details Came Slowly

Official Version Is at Odds With Evidence

By Thomas E. Ricks

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, June 4, 2006; Page A01

At 5 p.m. Nov. 19, near the end of one of the most violent days the Marine Corps had experienced in the Upper Euphrates Valley, a call went out for trucks to collect the bodies of 24 Iraqi civilians.
The unit that arrived in the farming town of Haditha found babies, women and children shot in the head and chest. An old man in a wheelchair had been shot nine times. A group of girls, ages 1 to 14, lay dead. Everyone had been killed by gunfire, according to death certificates issued later.
The next day, Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool, a Marine spokesman in Iraq, released a terse statement: Fifteen Iraqis "were killed yesterday from the blast of a roadside bomb in Haditha. Immediately after the bombing, gunmen attacked the convoy with small arms fire. Iraqi army soldiers and Marines returned fire, killing eight insurgents and wounding another."
Despite what Marine witnesses saw when they arrived, that official version has been allowed to ………

Charge by Fred

In Haditha Killings, Details Came Slowly




- Hey man ....


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Sunday, June 04, 2006

A picture say more than thousands of words......


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Discovering who, is the idiot.

Some questions have bothered me.

1. If the war of the Vietnam was so important in the fight against the communism, and the USA lost, why the communism finished?

2. This means that USA killed 6 million people for nothing?

3. The USA had arrived to have 400,000 men in the Vietnam, at the same time, the weapons were most mortal and modern, nothing of this it gave certain, driven crazy, the USA had made slaughters and more slaughters in the population, why USA did not earn, but the communism ended. All these deads are in vain, they are not necessary?

4. If they are not necessary, how we can judge the USA, or bether, how the Americans can judge yours governments?

5. The Vietnam was only one field for test the American weapons?

6. Why 150,000 veterans of war had committed suicide in the USA?

7. Impressive not?

8. The Mcdonalds has one or some stores in Russia, China etc., however, the USA had lost the war and today has American fast food there, so, why the war?

9. In view of the following one:


Who is satisfied with this is journalist Hart Seely, of the "Standard Syracuse-Post", that city in the state of New York.
It gives itself to the work to read transcriptions of speeches and interviews of Rumsfeld, in the site of the Pentagon, to clip the stretches most enigmatic - or nonsenses - and to transcribe them as poems. They are in a book launched in June of 2003, and that now she is coming back to the square:

"Pieces of Information - the Poetry Existencial de Donald H. Rumsfeld".

The Unknown
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.
—Feb. 12, 2002, Department of Defense news briefing

You're going to be told lots of things.
You get told things every day that don't happen.
It doesn't seem to bother people, they don't—
It's printed in the press.
The world thinks all these things happen.
They never happened.
Everyone's so eager to get the story
Before in fact the story's there
That the world is constantly being fed
Things that haven't happened.
All I can tell you is,
It hasn't happened.
It's going to happen.
—Feb. 28, 2003, Department of Defense briefing

A Confession
Once in a while,
I'm standing here, doing something.
And I think,
"What in the world am I doing here?"
It's a big surprise.
—May 16, 2001, interview with the New York Times
I think what you'll find,
I think what you'll find is,
Whatever it is we do substantively,
There will be near-perfect clarity
As to what it is.
And it will be known,
And it will be known to the Congress,
And it will be known to you,
Probably before we decide it,
But it will be known.
—Feb. 28, 2003, Department of Defense briefing
Rumsfeld's poems - Hart Seely

When a Secretary of Defense makes declaration of this type, you does not find that he considers you an idiot?

10. If you is not idiot, will be that he is?

11. If he will be, you is the idiot, because he speaks and he still is Secretary of Defense, right?

12. If he is idiot, and continues saying these foolishness and the great mass of Americans not acquires knowledge of this, the great American mass is idiot?

13. If the great mass is idiot, and has idiots in the command, what we can wait from the USA, more wars?

14. Think you that the others peoples of the world do not have a great doubt:
Are the Americans sold in the facts or they want basically raise the price of gas gallon in the pump, cost what cost, inclusive deads of childrens, olds, men and women?

15. The wars had advanced?

16. Who they interest the wars?

17. I find that somebody answered well there behind: The industry of weapons.
You finds that the industry of weapons is satisfied with the the USA governments since second World-wide war?

18. It will be that the government more pledged in do the wars have base in your financial support for the campaigns, the weapons industry?

19. For these gentlemen of the industry of weapons, the American citizens who die in the war do not have the lesser value?

20. They do not give any value to the peoples?

21. To start the war with Iraq Bush lay, giving a false reason. We know that the oil is finishing, and the demand for it increasing. You already have acquired knowledge why he invaded Iraq?

22. You know some period where the USA did not have troops out of the country after the Second World War I?

23. Analyzing the behavior of all the countries of the world you find this normal one?

24. The USA are installing a military base in Paraguay. The excuse is of the humanitarian aid, as of Fremont, as of Iraq, what you find that the USA are making here in Paraguay?

25. You do not have curiosity in knowing?

26. In view of when you speak in militaries you is speaking of war, in making war, how somebody can send a battalion to make humanitarian aid? Would not be better doctor, dentist, food etc...?

27. Who is the idiot, the USA that say that they are making a humanitarian aid or you?

28. It will be that we obtains one green card?

29. It will be that green card is a good one for having ? Who knows what the USA go to finish making. Or suffering?

We stop with the questions because I finish to discover who is the idiot, it is not necessary cry.



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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Anti Christ

I have always fear to do mistakes in my thoughts, exactly because in mine 62 years I already see how I do mistakes in such a way and already I modified my way to think, that this is a constant affliction.

A thing that annoys me excessively is to have to speak of the USA, because it is seeming that I am anti-american.

A thing that I am not, or I look for not to be, is to be prejudiced.

I and my generation we grow admiring the USA.

Its technology, its speech for democracy, human rights, the freedom of the peoples etc.

The films of Hollywood, the rock, the jazz, the release of the customs etc.

Everything this made me to admire the USA.

We start in separating them when I arrived at the 18 years.

I was always sensible to the people without resources, I feel more to talk with a poor person than that with the rich one, never I obtained to have rich friends, but I am certain that I am considered by many poor persons.

I do not know if it is because I am very sensible to the magnificent one. It bothers me. I think that is an enormous cultural poverty.

The poor person is humble. The suffering brings the humble.

I know that if this poor person becoming rich, instinctively, can associate with the magnificent one. It is natural. But at that moment it is not.

This feeling took me to find that the communism would be a solution for the humanity.

In mine 18 years it found that the thing was simple thus.

Why the communism?

Because the end is the man. The equality.

What you want when you finds with a rich one and fight not to have when you meets with a poor person.

... human being nature....

Only that I not wise person of this in the 18 years.

The communism was born on the poverty, could not be in another way, no rich one goes to want to share nothing. It who obtained, it is that he was competent, it is that it is better than the others (exactly selling sentences as how happens now with the judiciary power).

Russia was in the poverty, tzares sucking the people, the cold the hunger, in good thing did not go to give.

In a situation of these it only went to appear an idea of these.

More in the front we go to see that the communism is an old idea. Much more old that the Marx great-great-grandfather.

But, at that moment, for that they were in a situation of that age a great idea, he could be, hundreds of rich, millions of poor persons............, is only that instinct, the such of the equality, until is proclaimed by the ONU, in the human rights.

On the other hand the USA is forming a great nation, the capitalism, great companies already expanding for the entire world, the American miracle.

With the capitalism, the USA were transforming into a superpower, and with the communism the Russia the misery transformed into a superpower.

Two total opposing systems, ally the nature human being of being good and for wanting to impose what it finds good to the others, the USA and Russia had shocked, one wanting to impose the communism, the other the capitalism, inside of the best principle of wanting to impose to the others what we find what is better.

The Eastern Europe - poor - hugged the communism, China idem, some countries of Asia, and Africa, poor had hugged the communism.

The Europe Occidental person - rich - Americas and some other countries the capitalism.

One of the wealth of the world is the commerce, and the Communists had suffered a commercial blockade from the ones that had supported the capitalism.

In Americas who tried to be communist was massacred by the capitalism, Chile, Brazil and others.

In the other side, who wanted to leave the communism was massacred by the Communists.

Beautiful, not?

The man not understand themselves, already comes of far, very far, this event already lasts since than we go down of the trees.

Without the commerce with rich the Russia finished. The communism finished.

Then we have there now, an almost hegemonic system, the capitalism.

The countries that still has the communism regimen, as China, had to open for the capitalism because of the commerce and is becoming capitalist.

And in this period the Man killed itself, conspired ones against the others, had made the party of the ignominy.

I do not go to speak of the rivers of blood that Russia imposed the peoples, as in the Afghanistan and other countries under its influence.

I do not go to speak in the 6 million killed by the USA in the Vietnam, in the 1 million killed on the war sponsored by USA - Iraq against the Iran, the dictatorship that the USA supported in the cold war.

I go to speak of the current behavior of the USA............ NOW!

For us this is the reality. What it passed, passed.

What interests us ,them, is now and tomorrow.

Why the communism finished and the world are in flames?

You can say, are Iraq alone.

You cannot say, that is because of the terrorism. This not glue more.

If some country is in flames, the world is in flames. If its room is in flames, its house is in flames. It is a feeling question. Some have, others not.

And the threat to the Iran and the threat of the Iran?

Why the USA is hated by the world?

It is the question that Bush made.

You would obtain to answer?

I soon go informing:

Yesterday he made a new threat to the world. He said that the world has to be FREEEEEEEEEE!

Funny, I do not know........ I will understood well?

Seemed me that he was threatening. It will be that I understood wrong.

If I understood wrong I go to acquire knowledge that I am prejudiced.

Somebody could help me?

Somebody knowing the facts of History can always believe something that the USA make, on behalf of the human Freedom, rights, democracy and the Peace?

Freedom is to support per 20 years the dictatorship here in Brazil?

Freedom is to support the regimen of Saudi Arabia?

Freedom is to support regimes spurious that the USA already had supported?

Human rights are to forget thousand and thousand people tortured in almost all the countries for the noble cause of the capitalism against the communism?

Human rights are to torture the prisoners in Iraq and Guantanamo?

Human rights are to bomb thousand of children?

Human rights are to supply to chemical weapons of mass destruction to Iraq to play in the Iran?

Human rights are to threaten the Iran to use nuclear weapons?

Democracy is to support the regimen of Saudi Arabia?

Democracy is......?

Peace is......?

I am tired to write, to describe, the American ignominies.

I do not support more...........I suffer much .

There, I placed on the sidebar, the photos of the Iraqian child, to see if they sensitize..... , I do not support more to see as much ignominy.

If you will be able, I would like that you reflect on now and tomorrow.

Is this the hour of you to start to make some thing?

Is this the hour to try in understanding us?

Is this the hour of the World to start to charge to the USA has a new position?

Well, only remains me to say who was the first Communist.

He was Jesus.

And anti Christ?

If you do not know, you do not go to advance I say........! to you


I finished to write, exaust in the feelings.

But I take a tour by home and ……

Brazilian is fire…………..

I am distrustful one that it happened what happened now with me, must be some exclusive gene of the Portuguese, I am grandson of Portuguese, great-great-grandson of German.

I was there in the kitchen and I remembered a joke on the Brazilian policy:

Finalists of the competition of better policy of the world: the American policy, the English and... the Brazilian policy!

Last test.

In the Canadian forest, the organizators of the competition free a rabbit in the middle of the forest. The policy that to bring the animal in lesser time will be considered the winner.

The American policy, represented by SWAT, sets in motion its ultramodern apparatus all - armored, sensory helicopters, cars and radars. In 40 seconds they capture the rabbit and they bring it to the commission judge.

The English using its intellectual power, more. With magnifying glasses, deductive reasoning, elementary conclusions and very tobacco-piper, bring in return the rabbit in only 30 seconds.

There it is the time of the Brazilian policy. Armed only with club, they return in 10 seconds! The PMs (Military Police)delivers to the judges of the competition a little pig, all teared, covered of blood, that do not stop to cry out:

- OK! OK! I confess! I am the rabbit! I am the rabbit!

removed of
Reads, does not lose!

- What this has to see, face, with the USA, hei Fred, why you is laughing and do not stop to laugh?

- It is that I imagined you in the place of the little pig, and the Bush in the place of the Brazilian policy:



Brazilian does not give exactly.................


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Friday, May 26, 2006

New Game

When I speak in new game, a different game for the capitalism, many people find inside that it would be a new regimen, of the classification:

Capitalist regimen
Communist regimen
Socialist regimen

It is not necessary a new system to change the world, to bring peace to the world, so that we Men let us start to be, the great glory of the Universe.

It is..... because......... for the time being..... the Man is the great disaster of the Universe.

While we will have hunger, while the Man kill itself and to other species, to destroy the environment in the Earth, we will continue to be the garbage of the Universe.

That joke with MSN checkers game, in reality, is not a joke, is the most accurate test of the capacity that the Man has.

The capacity in establishing what it is good and what is bad for each individual.

Many times what it is good for one are not for the other.

The checkers game of the MSN that I speak, for that does not follow the nonsense that I write, is the Suicide Game.

Who gains the game, is that obtain to lose.

It is totally different of the normal one, that, who gains the game, is who obtains to earn.

It is the same game, you move the parts in a similar way, it makes queens, etc, but, you have to make efforts to lose, you can not earn, because is losing that you earn.

What it is good and what something is bad is very relative, many times what it is good at a time, in other passes to be faced as ridicule.

If the people who adopt the Muslim religion find that to use the veil or clothes of determined form, hiding the body, are because inside of the context of them, is this that goes to help them to have a good life.

That is, for them, this made right procedure.

The people who use summarys biquini in Ipanema beaches, are because inside of the context of them, it is this that goes to help them to have a good life.

That is, for them, this made right procedure.

Then we have an opposing diversity of procedures, what it is certain for one is made a mistake for the other.

In this reality the worse error is to want to determine who is missed in this situation.

Because both, are subjective situations, adopted conventions, or in modern language, virtual.

It is to want to establish which version of the checkers game of the MSN is the correct one.

When I discovered this game I gave account of the largeness of the human mind.

As it can manipulate the feelings of the people.

While in the normal game you satisfies with the victory, in the new game you satisfies with the defeat.

While one wants to walk covered another one wants to walk bare.

For me this capacity of the brain is wonderful, because from there, we see that everything is conventions.

That in the reality the man is imprisoned inside of its conventions, and many times, devoured for them.

And when we are devoured by them?

When ours conventions bring bad feelings to the others, or intervene with the conventions of the others.

What is the solution for the management of the conflict of established conventions.

The agreement has inside of being made a bigger convention, the first one of the conventions.

To love the next one, as you love proper itself, because in the reality, we are equal in the essence. What we differs are our conventions.

As the Nash already had affirmed, something is only good when it takes care of to all the involved ones.

By the way, already we hear this conclusion of others, I am not that saying this, I only, thanks to a game I glimpsed this fact, I obtained to have the agreement of this principle, that many already had obtained to understand.

In this point of view it does not interest the regimen.

If the regimen to come of meeting to all, or either to take care of the necessities of all, it will be a good regimen.

The regimen depends on who is applying it.

Therefore the communist regimen did not give certain. The communist regimen in essence would aim the man, while the capitalism aims at to the attainment of the money and of that it can bring independent of are happening with the other of who is catching the money, is less humanitarian.

Then why the communism gave wrong?

Because the man is not ready to love the next one. Not evolve the sufficient.

The capitalism is more intrinsically inserted on the current human period of evolution, still very instinctive, and would say until, irrational.

I am calling the actual man, primitive, irrational?

I am.

To apply the capitalism wildly, is to forget the next one, and when forgetting the next one, it goes to react.

Interesting this: if we forget all, all forget us.

And there, it is where comes the violence.

It is the instinct of the equality.

The man finds that it is equal to the others, has the same right of the others. If one can, also, I have to can.

It does not advance to have conventions (laws) that hinder this.

A case that I taste to cite is the robbery of tennis of our children, for boys who do not obtain to have an equal one.

The propaganda infuses conventions.

”It is Nike, the tennis of the Ronaldinho, if you want to have something in common with Ronaldinho, your idol, you has that to have the Nike tennis “

The propaganda generates conventions that the society finishes accepting, the problem is that they are accepted by rich and poor persons too.

As the poor person cannot buy, it uses the violence and steals the tennis of our son.

It is the instinct of the equality.

The biggest problem is that it is not enough to use the tennis to be as Ronaldinho.

It is a false convention, without ethics. The manufacturer gives to its product a quality that it does not have.

But all accept.

Rich and poor.

Despite to be virtual.

The image of Ronaldinho was bought to give to the tennis a quality that it does not have.

The tennis is made of cloth and rubber, has good quality, but it does not transform nobody into Ronaldinho.

He is expensive, a small parcel of the population can buy.

If the manufacturer loves the next one, he would be sensitized for poor, he would not establish conventions that could sensitize in such a way a poor child who took it to commit the robbery, or would not charge in such a way the tennis.

Some, call this situation, ethics in the propaganda.

I call this. lack of care in the attitudes. Lack of love to the next one.

Many are come across with similar cases to this.

It is not necessary to change the regimen, the game yes.

We go to play the capitalist regimen in view of loving the next one.

This is enough.

She is not necessary laws, nor nothing more, the only thing that we need is in acquiring knowledge that we have to play in another way.

If laws decided, Brazil would be wonderful, therefore it has law for everything.

Only that as the people say here in Brazil, the law does not catch.

Law does not advance.

The concern nowadays, is not to follow the law, is to find a form of not accomplish it, of preference even in a legal way, what many times, with the amount of laws, it is possible.

We need always going acquiring knowledge, that we can establish new conventions for the game, having in sight, loving the next one.

It is not necessary have laws for this, is enough to acquire yourself knowledge of this, all to acquire knowledge of this.

Therefore, I always speak that everything depends on us.

This care is enough.

It would be a new period of human evolution , a new step in the human evolution , perhaps the main one.

It is this that many had tried in saying to us and that I, favours to the MSN, I obtained to see.


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