Sunday, December 17, 2006


I was seeing on the History Channel the war weapons, and see the deposition of a B-2 pilot, the invisible airplane to the radar, in the format of flying wing.

It is an airplane bombing, that is, its objective is to launch sets of ten of tons of bombs in top of the heads of children’s, olds and adults.

Its mission is to provide to many people the hell, here exactly in the Earth.

Its cost..... millions dollars.

The pilot was proud of being one of the few inhabitants of the planet to be able to pilot this covered cart of the devil.

And while he proudly spoke I was seeing thousand of bombs being poured on the sky of Iraq and seconds later that explosion, generating that insupportable irresistible pressure, and bodies torn into pieces in a sea of fire and heat.

Children without members, brains, sucked of inside of the cranium sucked by the pressure, bloody people, other deceased, alive peoples embedded underneath tons of rubbles.

And the proud pilot, clean and fresh inside of its suit of work, speaking of the pride of the fulfilled mission, proud of being one of the few inhabitants of the planet capable to pilot that infernal machine.

And I was seeing thousands of people suffering, crying, desperate, bloody, lost in the way of that hell, in the irrespirable atmosphere due the amount of dust of concrete and land.

And the divulged qualities of the airplane being flow over......

The radar does not detect it, can be replenished in flight, possess 160 computers on board, the pilot seems to play as in a video-game.....

And I see the human race being..... as if I was in one another plan......

And I feel a enormous discourage......

And I think.............

How small is the man.......

And I see that we are very weak beings in intelligence.

Undeveloped because we only see a part of the context where we are.

We do not see that when piloting such machine alone we denigrate the image of the human being, we see only one stretch of the context where we are inserted, we do not see the beginning nor the end of the context.

We do not see that the beginning of everything is the American Empire wanting to steal the oil of the Iraqian people.

We do not see that the American Empire is the great American companies wanting easy profit.

We do not see that for behind everything we have the Carlyle of Bush the Halliburton of Cheney.

We do not see the lie that Iraq is ready to destroy the USA with mass destruction weapons, that Iraq protects terrorists, of the necessity to give freedom to the Iraqian people…….

All does not pass of lies.

Lies as of the expedition of Fremont to that if it dealt with geologic survey and that it resulted in the robbery of Californian lands to Mexico.

Lies that the American governing gives, when they want to take some thing of somebody.

Lies that had provided the genocide of the American Indians.

Lies that take "the great" American nation of the North to have pride, as this of the American pilot.

Lies that take to see me the human being as a worthless being, small, stingy, blind that it does not deserve to be enter the other beings of the universe.

At least for the time being.........

Because we can change this context.

But we need to start in worrying them about all, not only with a small part of the way as this American pilot made.


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