Saturday, July 01, 2006

Thinking well...............

I do not know as to start.

I only go to give some explanations.

I have reiterated that I am not at will to speak of the USA, Bush, etc.


Because I want to be only one common citizen, who likes to play checkers (badly, but taste), to go the beach, therefore I am here in Natal, to tan what remains me of the life, that for the familiar statisticians, of the masculine side, already I am in the profit.

Because I would not like, to have to hear of people who I coexist and taste phrases of the type,….. he comes it there to speak of the USA, Bush, politics, etc.

Worse one than to hear is to feel hopelessness, perceiving that they are made by people who I taste, perceiving that they are authentic dear children of wash machine, or better, are the preferred children of washing machine.

But unhappily I cannot escape of this.

When making this blog, not wise person what it could happen, but when making it, I perceived as the people are not interested in what happened in politics and as this fact take us into a bad society.

To help to change this situation I am writing this article series and I look for to make it with the biggest possible exemption and truthful facts. I always look for to cite the sources of where I took off the information.

The information that I place here in blog came of research in diverse sites and of periodicals, mainly of the O Globo (Brazilian) and Washington Post. In the end of the Post you can verify of where I took off the information.

Many times pass for my mind, that the human race being of the monkey, with certainty did not produce one type of evolution alone, that is, later that some monkeys had started to evolve they had not evolved in the same way, some had evolved in a way others in different way, therefore we have this diversity of behavior.

Some more violent than others, some more worried about the others, etc.

Thus thinking I see that inside of us we have some genes, total different of other people, and of course also equal of other people, this because we came in crossing since the first evolved monkey. Our descendants have, at least some equal genes to ours all, because our descendants are not alone ours, exist the friend who participated of this process.

And I say these things, as a reflection on the causes of the human behavior, because it is on the human behavior, directed toward the development of the society that this Post of today treats, by the way is what essentially, this blog treats.

And I find that the subject of today has much to see with the formation of our society, with evolution human being, etc.

Carlyle Group is a company in USA whose objective is:

"Our mission is to be the premier global private equity firm, leveraging the insight of Carlyle's team of investment professionals to generate extraordinary returns across a range of investment choices, while maintaining our good name and the good name of our investors."

To reach these objectives it has to possess in its, competent collaborating persons, no?


George H.W. Bush (father) – Former president of the USA - 1988 the 1992 and former Director of the CIA.

Baker - Secretary of State of the Bush administration (father).

Carlucci - Secretary of Defense of the administration of Ronald Reagan - Former-director of the CIA -Is the CEO of the Carlyle.

Darman - Head of Budget of the White House in the Governments Bush and Clinton

Major – Former -First Minister of England

Branches – Former - President of the Philippines

Afsaneh Masheyekhi - Former - Bursar of the World Bank

And many other persons of the USA, England and Asia. You can see some of them in the site of the wikipedia.

One of the owners of the company is David M. Rubenstein coming from the Administration of Jimmy Carter in the presidency of the USA

Established in 1987 with 5 million dollar it controls 14 billion dollar of its investors.


The Carlyle basically purchase companies, apparently weak economically but that they possess products that its controllers can leverage and transforms them into companies of great financial return.

After, these leveraged companies can be sold by an infinitely bigger price of the one than they invested.

Some examples:

In 1993 for $165 million bought the company Magnavox Electronic Systems million and sells, two years later, by $370 million.

In 1997 it bought the United Defense will be $180 million. Four years later - accurately before Rumsfeld (current Secretary of Defense of the Bush Government son) canceling its Crusader howitzer program - this contract it would be of 11 billion dollar - - the Carlyle it transformed the United Defense into public and sold half of the actions for $588 million.

The Cruzader howitzer is a mobile cannon. Below in references it has a site on the Cruzader.

Man………US $ 11 billion………… in howitzer………………………???????????????


One of the most well-known investors are the Bin Laden, of the Saudi royalty, does not want to say that they are the greaters, does not know if they are, but in function of the last name, it has generated a great controversy in the USA.

In one of articles of Washington Post he has a reference of that Mr. Rubenstein, although to be Jewish he has ample access to the palaces Saudis.

By the way Mr. Rubenstein is very loved on the Bush family, also having participated of Safaris in Africa with the Bush family.

I look at I do not go to make a complete survey of everything on the Carlyle, you has the references and if you want to know something more does not lack information about the group.

As the Post already is very great, I stop here for today, also, to you make a reflection on these information.

Tomorrow I go to make commentaries on this.
But, I ask for you reflects, on what you read.

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