Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cindy X Predator

Why the General Chief of the Air Force of the USA is desperate wanting to buy all the Predators constructed for General Dinamycs?

To prevent the appearance of Cindys.

How thus?

However when you wake up for a fact?

Many times when you have shocked.

What possibly it happened with Cindy.

I do not know if before the death of the son she was so pledged in the citizens causes as it was after the death of the son.

The Predator is an airplane robot, if occurs to fall does not die nobody. The only shock is in yours pocket.

Which is one of the great difficult that the predators of the pentagon have?

The death of the soldiers.

Why the Pentagon is so pledged in robots? Because they want to diminish the death of soldiers. Until already they had today 2000 soldiers been died in Iraq.

This wants to say that about 10,000 people, the families of these soldiers, already they had taken a shock and some had waked up, as Cindy, perhaps.

The ideal for the Pentagon, is that when they to want to massacre somebody, is only send robots!

For land, sea and air. The screens of the cinema already had foreseen this.

Almost no shock!

Nowadays, what can make to stop the President of the USA?

American public opinion!


Well, while it will have democracy, because in future I do not know if it goes to have!

The President already makes the listening of the telephones of all the people, already he finished one of the freedoms, the privacy, the Americans, all, already they are Big Brothers.

The President wants to cancel 750 laws that protect some freedoms!

You believe, 750 laws that of the day for night do not give more.

I am feeling the presence of Hitler, you not?

For where the Americans are going?

My mother always confided to me that it saw in Germany the great effort of Hitler to militarize the country, and it was despaired, because it spoke and nobody gave attention, found that Germany was wonderful and afflict she said:

Who wants the peace have weapon until the teeths?

And she said for all: "This insane person goes to commit a disaster" It always confided this to me.

My mother was Brazilian, son of Portuguese, my father was grandson of German and son of Italian and both already had been born in Brazil and before the war my father was representative of a navigation company, the Brazilian LLoyd, in the Europe. It was established in Lisbon, but frequently he had that to go to the other ports of the Europe and my mother goes with him. All times that she went to Germany it was despaired because each time more she saw the power warlike of Hitler, was ostensive. Movement of troops, military vehicles, for she, that seems a madness, some, Hitler was preparing.

And I today am asking itself if it is possible that genetically it is possible you to have the capacity of sensitizing some events, more than other people, with determined indications that allow you to make some forecast of a possible future event.

If it will be thus, for the size of the indications that the USA come providing to the inhabitants of the planet, I soon go informing, comes much bad things for there.

The Bush’s brotherhood is being successful in the USA.


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