Thursday, November 30, 2006


12% of the Americans - it is the USA..........., the great American nation of the North - pass hunger.


He is...... 12% is little.

That such 35 million people.....

It is very?

!!!!!!!!!!!.................... is the population of Argentina

It is...,35 million Americans (of the North) has difficulty of satiate its hunger!

I read in Washington Post...... AR2006111501621.html?referrer=email

While this...... I heard in the CNN that the war of Iraq already left a robbery or better a gap of 3 trillions of dollar in the safes of the government...... 40 times more what Bush said that went to spend to kill Saddam Hussein......... and it goes to spend more……. much more...... much more...... much more.....much....

3 trillions of dollar - 5 times the GIP of Brazil -.............

Catching 3 trillions of dollars and dividing for 35 million for each one 86 a thousand dollars.....

For me I stopped to write for and I went here to vomit back in the bathroom........ but for the humanity......... that he does not have much time to think about these things I go to continue......... and thinking each time, with certainty, that when we thinks about paradise and hell...... I have each time more certainty that already we are in the hell......

Well, nor all obtain to use to advantage this hot, the partners of the Carlyle and the Hallyburton, or either, Bush and Chenney, make use of a small room with air cooled thanks to its revenues of sell weapons to the USA and to steal oil of Iraq and other impostures.....

I see glorious, proud, pedants Bush and its followers all and intolerants ones to say:

”We, great American nation, go to give the freedom to the World ........”

They do not obtain to give food to its brothers.......

If it is not the proper devil must be the head of State of it......

I am forgetting that he understands of sell weapons,……,not to govern a people....

The governor of the Mississipe already said that the Hugo Chaves already helped more the group of the Katrina that he, Bush....

It will be that, we citizens of the world, do not obtain to identify the crossbows that devastates them?????????


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