Monday, November 20, 2006

God Bless America - Thanks America

Exists hope for Earth?

Now it exists.

After the manifestation of the American people in the last elections.

The victory of the Democrats represents for me a breeze of hope in the human race being.

It is.... sees well....

It does not import country, region, continent...

More of the one than never I see the Earth as only one.

Without distinctions.

Without race distinctions, color, religion, country or teams of soccer.

The Land is the habitat of diverse beings, also the human beings...

And to be happy we have to be harmonious... what we are not.

Not conflicting...

The human beings are a group, who find owners of the Earth.

And worse, have some groups amongst the human beings that it finds superiors to others....

Bush represents the conflict.

The attempt to impose something to somebody.

As Hitler... and others.

The imposition never functioned.... not to be for little time, exactly that this time is 500 years......

The lasting one... is the consensus.

And exactly thus I say for you that he is fugacious.

Nothing it is perpetual.

But the election in the USA brings excellent subjects for the PEACE in the Land.

... nobody ignores clearly... since that a bit are informed... USA had invaded IRAQ for the oil.

That is finishing….

The USA invaded Iraq in an attempt to place under its influence the biggest petroliferous reserves of the Earth, because today, the human being is nothing without the oil.

This attempt comes of far... before the Ayatollahs dominate the Iran.

A resolution that the USA had adopted, possibly due to some strategical study made by some politic scientist and adopted ragefully by CIA.

And CIA is Bush.

Bush father was managing of the CIA.

And one of the partners of the Carlyle...

Former-integrants of the CIA also are part of the Society of the Carlyle....

A company who purchase companies, do fabulous contracts with the government and sell them with a skillful profit.

An example is the case of the United Defense who the Carlyle bought for $180 million dollar.

That it made the Crusade Howitzer - a cannon - that got (after passing to the Carlyle) a contract of 11 billion dollar with the Government.

The Carlyle transformed the United Defense into SA and sold HALF of the actions for $588 million dollar later that the contract was divulged.

Soon after sold the actions, the government cancelled the contract.

You understood right.....

The Carlyle, Bush company, and others also coming from CIA, bought a company who makes cannon for 180 million dollar.

It arranged a contract with the government of 11 BILLIONs dollar and thanks to this contract it sold the half of the actions for 588 million dollar!

Or either, thanks to an 11 BILLIONS contract made for the government whose President has involvement directly with the Carlyle, it transformed 90 million dollar (half of the actions) into 588 million dollar.

Into 4 years the Carlyle, company of the Bush, transformed 90 million in 588 million....

Profit of 500%................

You have notion???????????

Of the size of the profit and the value of the profit...

Soon after this selling, that I would call miraculous, this word would only state this, the government cancelled the contract of the 11 billion dollar.


Maluf must have died of envy....

Some questions exist in this case that I would like to know, but I do not have patience to search:

Reason the purchase of the cannons was cancelled?

Because a scandal of this passed blank?

Would not be the case of a CPI and even of one impeachment?

Then it sees well...

Bush and its Chenney vice-president are involved directly with companies who gain much money with war and oil.

Which is then the objective of the two?

War and oil!

Only that it has a problem.

The people of the USA.

The 11 of September was a gift for the Carlyle of Bush and Hallyburton of Chenney.


Because, favors to this crazy of Osama, Bush can frighten the American people and obtain to make one of the biggest atrocities committed for a people of the Land.

To left down thousand of tons of bombs in the head of the Iraqis.

A defenseless country, without force, governed for an insane person, but weak, a people weakened for a tenebrous war fomented for the USA against the Iran.

Another day I passed for a canal of TV and saw Bush defending its action.

It said a little and said: 11 of September.

In the attempt to continue frightening the American people with the 11 of September.

The funny one is that the family of the Osama has interests in the Carlyle. They are partners also.


Osama worked for the CIA.....


Nobody still caught Osama.......


The people of Earth is deceived daily by unscrupulous people who make atrocities to have to be able and money.

The lie obtains to justify everything...

We are been deceptive daily by people who we find the salvation of the world.

Bush, Hitler, Blair.... and the other oldest ones.

Thanks to a truth, the attack of 11 of September, lies are generated to hide degradates facts of the nature human being.

The sprightly it use to advantage of the people naivety to be grown rich in its greed, not if mattering with nobody, much less with this child there of the side.

The use of the lies to justify action you defame of the magnitude of the taking of California the Mexicans, of the invasion of Iraq and many others are a habit in the behavior of the USA.

And many other peoples.

But to the times we obtain to identify some of these lies, we were what the American people made when rejecting Bush.

Thanks to people as Michael Moore, Cindy and many others.

God Bless America.


The crossbow this still in the power...

They turn...??

How it amold itself to the facts?

He dismissed Rumsfeld...

Asking for contribution by the Democrats....

Giving one of good man...

He figures me as the Devil, if mimicrying in the facts to continue being deceptive....

I do not believe in Devil....

Devil is what it is bad inside of us....

But that it exists...... it exists.

God Bless America....


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